Megan Perkins
Meagan is devoted to the healing arts and has a very holistic view of transformation that accounts for all levels of being: mind, body, and spirit. She feels deeply passionate about cultivating awareness and reverence when with others and in nature. Her path is to build the discipline of mind and skill to be with what is and breathe in the simple beauty of the ordinary present moment. She works closely with the plant medicine called Huachuma, which is a cactus that carries the spirit molecule known as Mescaline. She works alongside Jason, and together they create a space for people to go within, connect to nature, and find the answers that lie inside.
They have two Quechua teachers who they visit in Peru. Learning from this lineage of very strong and gentle people has been a beautiful journey, in all the nuance of connecting to the subtle energy of a mysterious and highly intelligent plant. Meagan considers herself to be a forever student and humble servant of Life. She loves to keep the scales of work and play balanced. It's important to stop for moments along the path, breathe in the texture and temperature of the air, take in the scent of the flowers, appreciate the rays of the sun dispersing through the clouds. All this work we are doing is so that we can learn to play again, after all.